Blog de critica

jueves, enero 21, 2010

Increible pero cierto....

No mames si toda la red esta llena de links que violan el reglamento... ahora resulta que infringi la ley.. NO MAMAR. (Quitaron mi post de Hambug (Artic Monkey's)

Aqui los motivos: para usuario, blogger-dmca-n.

Blogger has been notified, according to the terms of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), that certain content in your blog is alleged to infringe upon the copyrights of others. As a result, we have reset the post(s) to "draft" status. (If we did not do so, we would be subject to a claim of copyright infringement, regardless of its merits. The URL(s) of the allegedly infringing post(s) may be found at the end of this message.) This means your post - and any images, links or other content - is not gone. You may edit the post to remove the offending content and republish, at which point the post in question will be visible to your readers again.

A bit of background: the DMCA is a United States copyright law that provides guidelines for online service provider liability in case of copyright infringement. If you believe you have the rights to post the content at issue here, you can file a counter-claim. For more information on our DMCA policy, including how to file a counter-claim, please see

The notice that we received from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) and the record companies it represents, with any personally identifying information removed, will be posted online by a service called Chilling Effects at We do this in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Please note that it may take Chilling Effects up to several weeks to post the notice online at the link provided.

The IFPI is a trade association that represents over 1,400 major and independent record companies in the US and internationally who create, manufacture and distribute sound recordings (the "IFPI Represented Companies").


The Blogger Team

Affected URLs:

miércoles, enero 20, 2010

Pulp - Different Class (1995)

Estos weyes tocan poca madre...

2.Pencil Skirt
3.Common People
4.I Spy
5.Disco 2000
6.Live Bed Show
7.Something Changed
8.Sorted for E’s & Wizz
11.Monday Morning
12.Bar Italia

por mdiafire:

domingo, enero 17, 2010

Say Good Bye.....

Muchas veces , cuando joven pense como seria la muerte de algun ser querido??, inlcluso como seria la mia misma. En realidad siempre he visto la muerte como una fiesta, de la cual yo no tomare parte y eso me irrita un poco, ya que siendo la estrella principal, todo se traduce en un cuerpo inerte y podre lanzar improperios, tampoco hacer mofa, mucho menos agraviar a los presentes y eso me irrita un poco. Nunca he podido ver a una persona triste, apesumbrado para mi son almas debiles que no se merecen mi atencion, ver jetas largas y no saber que decir es de las cosas que no quisiera experimentar en la vida y eso me sigue irritando aun mas....

La muerte no es buena ni mala.... a veces lo mejor es callar.

qepd : Hector Ortega.

:(... Snif.

jueves, enero 14, 2010

Phrazes For The Young

Este es un Solito del tal casablancas....

Artist: Julian Casablancas
Album: Phrazes For The Young
Genre: electro, garage rock, glam pop, indie, pop punk,
Quality: 320 kbps

1. «Out of the Blue» 4:41
2. «Left & Right in the Dark» 4:54
3. «11th Dimension» 4:03
4. «4 Chords of the Apocalypse» 4:59
5. «Ludlow St.» 5:42
6. «River of Brakelights» 5:08
7. «Glass» 5:20
8. «Tourist» 5:02
9. «Old Hollywood» (iTunes bonus track) 4:33
10. «30 Minute Boyfriend» (iTunes bonus track) 3:31
11. «I Wish It Was Christmas Today» (iTunes bonus track) 3:11

SAP MM / PP Interview Questions

Jim Stewart, "SAP MM / PP Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations: SAP Production Planning Certification"
Equity Press | 2006-02-28 | ISBN: 1933804092 | 148 pages | PDF | 1,5 MB

The Ultimate Learning Guide for SAP PP Consultants

It’s clear that SAP PP is a key specialization for SAP MM resources -- finding answers can be difficult. SAP PP Interview Questions, Answers, and Explanations guides you through your learning process. From helping you to assess your SAP MM/PP skills to evaluating candidates for a job, SAP PP Interview Questions&Answers will help you understand what you really need to know. The book is organized around several areas of SAP PP: Demand Management, BOMs, Order Release and Confirmation Each question includes everything you need to know to master the interview or properly evaluate a candidate. More than just a rehash of SAP documentation and sales presentations, each question is based on project knowledge and experience gained on successful high-profile SAP PP implementations.

Key topics include:
- Demand Management - BOMs, Routings - MRP, Production Orders - Order Release and Confirmation - Everything a MM/PP Resource Needs to Know Before an Interview.

Liga para bajar




martes, enero 05, 2010

Para aquellos que me andan retando....

Mas o menos asi tiran mis contrincantes.......


ABAP Debugger settings and system areas

This PDF file teaches some extra tips and tricks on Debugging.


Download HJSplit (304 Kb)

lunes, enero 04, 2010

Nuevos precios....

Por cierto y de acuerdo al alza de precios el costo por renta de servidor SAP sube de 500 a 700 pesos.
Cualquiera de los cursos de SAP (PM, PP, PS, MM, FI, CO, HR, ABAP, BW, etc...) de $3000 pesos a $4000 pesos.

El dia de ayer me di cuenta que cada quien el sube el precio que se le de la gana, y yo aqui de pendejo.. por ejemplo haciendo cuentas todo mundo le sube al menos el 10% a todo, asi que yo le subire de 20 a 30%, si se puede.....



Como todo mundo se gasta la vida dando felicitaciones de año nuevo y escribiendo de sus proposito de año nuevo, que si van a dejar de tragar, que si este año si bajan de peso, que van a tratar de ahorrar, bla.. bla.. bla.

puras sandeces...menos garruleria y mas accion. Bueno trataremos de omitir lo que otros sitios dicen y nos concentraremos en topicos de interes comun.

Por ejemplo, encontre un sitio parecido a Taringa, se supone que es similar y casi lo mismo, aunque su contenido no es igual. De cualquier forma ya explore un poco y baje un par de cosas.. , no esta demas tener algun sitio alterno.



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